Topic outline
Welcome to The Society of Master Saddlers Introduction to Saddle Fitting Course.
In this course you will find all of the Theory webinars.
This course page is for those currently completing the Theory elements only.
Periodically we may add relevant quizzes and supplementary information to the course and you will receive a push notification from the site page to notify you of such changes. Please make sure you add Moodle emails to your contacts.
Throughout this course page, you will find restrictions in place to guide you through your education journey and ensure you view all of the essential materials.
Enjoy the learning journey!
Course Information and Policies
Meet the Team Book
The Society of Master Saddlers are fortunate to have a team of world leading saddle fitting lecturers and work closely with many other world renown and well respected allied equine professionals, who help deliver the course.
Our regular lecturers are all members of the Society of Master Saddlers and our guest lecturers are leading industry experts in their field experienced in delivering educational webinars worldwide.
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Our Course Partners BETA are proud to be involved with The Introduction to Saddle Fitting Course.
About BETA:
Mission Statement: “The British Equestrian Trade Association works to support our members in their efforts to achieve the highest level of repute, knowledge and profitability”.
BETA was formed in 1979 and has grown to be recognised and accepted as the official representative body for the equestrian manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade by Government and leading riding organisations.
We currently have over 800 member companies, covering a wide range of businesses including not only retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers, but also agents, dealers and many service based businesses. All our members are involved in some way with equestrianism.
About You
Thank you for signing up to the Introduction to Saddle Fitting Theory Course for Overseas.
We hope you enjoy the theory component of this course and look forward to seeing you in the future on other courses.
Please take the time to supply us with your information as this helps us get to know you much better.
Look forward to seeing you soon!
Veterinary Observation - Part I
Veterinary Observations - Part II
Saddle Trees
Saddle Construction
Common Faults
Safe Handling
Record Keeping
Static Fit
Ridden Assessment
Next Steps
Saddle Brands
Please find below links to many major saddle brands.
Familiarise yourself with the saddles on their websites as they will be saddles you need to know about in your career.
Practical Information
Practical Day Timetable